
Dataprius Cloud innovations

Dataprius has pioneered its own features

Dataprius Cloud Storage System Innovations

Innovations or features in which Dataprius has been a pioneering platform.

Some of these features were subsequently incorporated by other cloud storage systems, in some cases years later.

Dataprius incorporates innovations that have not yet been replicated in other systems, such as the Linked Folder or Integrated Applications. Nor is there any system with its original folder and file dynamics.

The first ones to create a mapped Cloud drive.

2018. We launched MapDrive. The first virtual drive in the Cloud that can be mapped to any computer.

There are now other US companies offering a similar service, but we continue to provide the easiest to use and configure. It was originally a tremendous technical challenge.

How MapDrive Works

The first storage platform with access permissions.

2014. Dataprius Cloud version 1.0 already had folder access permissions. At that time, Dropbox did not have access permissions and was not even considered as an application for companies.

Originally Dataprius was conceived for companies, other storages have been reconverted.

Folder access permissions. Tree view.

Synchronization innovation through linked files. Linked Folder

2016. No cloud storage system has yet developed something similar.
Folders and files in the Cloud are synchronized with a local folder, the difference is that the files are links to their corresponding ones in the Cloud.

By simulating the folder structure and making the files actually links to the Cloud, you gain security and storage that takes up minimal space.

Captura de pantalla de Carpetas Vinculadas en Dataprius

The first platform that created automatic copies of files.

2014. We reinvented the way to make versions of files available by having automatic copies generated.

Today and very recently other platforms have included this functionality.

Autocopies of files. File versions.

The first cloud system that backs up to another geographic location.

2016. We create a backup concept that has not yet been incorporated into the most popular cloud storage systems today.

Having a backup in another location, another Cloud, is mandatory for many companies and is prescribed by security and data protection laws.

Backups Dataprius

The first Cloud system with file and folder locators

2023. Locators are one of those small innovations that have delighted our users and customers.

Instead of remembering folder paths, we communicate the locator code to colleagues.
No other system in the Cloud has them at the moment.

Folder or file locators

The first system with file converters to different file formats.

2017. At this time, it is possible to convert files from one format to another without having to use external applications.

The most common conversions are to PDF and from this format to Word, to be able to edit that old PDF. There are thousands of conversions performed daily by users.

Convert file formats

The first system with windows and dynamic operations like Windows OS.

2014. All other file systems in the Cloud are clumsy in the handling of folders and files. They force you to navigate from folder level to folder level.

Dataprius offers a real folder tree, file and folder operations are the same as in any operating system, including opening windows of other folders.

File system windows style

The first system with conflict-avoiding editing locks.

2014. While the rest of the world thinks that file conflicts are inevitable when working on a cloud-based document platform.

Dataprius incorporates the control and locking of files that are being edited. This was a success right from the start.

Dataprius' online Office editors, on the other hand, do offer the possibility of simultaneous editing of files by several people.

Esquema de bloqueo de archivos que evita conflictos

First cloud storage with digital signature of documents

2018. With no extra charge. Dataprius includes the ability to digitally sign PDF documents.

A document signature that is simpler than that of specific and expensive applications for this purpose. A signature that is done in the Cloud and from the Cloud. Much of today's signature software still stores files locally.

Sign PDF document with your digitally sign

First system with integration of other web applications

2020. With no extra charge. No other Cloud platform currently has anything similar.

It is enough to enter the web address of an application for it to open from Dataprius, and then upload or download files from the platform.

The rest of the world still relies on programming and APIS to be able to save files in its Cloud repository.

Web apps integration in the system

The only Cloud file system that signs the GDPR contracts

Any Cloud system that works with company data is obliged to sign the GDPR contract for processing by third parties.

Dataprius signs the contracts as soon as the law requires it.
At present, no system signs them and this implies non-compliance with the GDPR.

Dataprius signs the GDPR contract