FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Dataprius Cloud Archive Intranet

Is it possible to test the system for awhile?
Yes, you can download and install the free Dataprius Free version from the download area. Open the application, click on the Help icon and ask technical support to enable the account for testing.
Why are there two predefined user roles, Partners and Web Users? What are the advantages?

The system distinguishes internal company users from external users with whom files and folders are shared. Other systems only have one type of user, thus forcing the purchase of licences for clients and partners. Web Users have fewer privileges, which improves security, avoids confusion, and does not grant undue permissions to users who should not have access to internal documents, or folders.

Can a free account be upgraded to a paid or Premium account?

Yes, it can be done from the application itself or by requesting the account from the prices  page. Dataprius staff will locate your account and upgrade it with the requested features.

Where does Dataprius store the files?

Dataprius stores files and data with Tier 1 providers in areas within the European Union. All suppliers are GDPR compliant and have both security and data protection certifications. The list of providers can be found on this page: Updated list of Cloud providers

How do I increase the Gigabyte capacity or the number of Users?

The application has a panel for upgrades. All you have to do is select the number of Gbs or users desired. The system expands the capacities without immediate payment. Upgrades, invoices and settings

On how many computers can I install the application?

On as many as you need. You work in the same way in the office, at home or with your laptop. In the event of any incident such as viruses, breakage or theft, you can simply install the application on another PC to continue working with the files and folders.

Does Dataprius comply with the Data Protection Act (RGPD)?

Yes, Dataprius complies with the LOPD and RGPD. It stores in Europe under European laws. Clients sign the service provision contract, and a PDF file is provided. Dataprius signs RGPD contracts.

Can several users access with the same passwords?

No, it is not possible to access the system simultaneously with the same passwords. If you leave Dataprius open on one computer and access it from another, in a few seconds the session of the first one will be cancelled. For example, if you get home and open Dataprius, the open session in the office will be automatically closed.

What security and data protection measures does Dataprius have?

What security and data protection measures does Dataprius have?
All the security and data protection measures indicated by the regulations and many more ,typical of a corporate system. Encryption at rest and in transit, storage redundancy, fragmented file storage, etc. All those required by GDPR and many more.

Is there a IOS version of the application?

Yes, you can download it in the downloads section, under DataPrius IOS, or going to The Apple Store online.

What happens if two users open the same file?

Dataprius will display a window indicating which user has the file open, then it can be opened in read-only mode as long as the other user keeps it open. This avoids overwriting and conflicts. Dataprius outperforms many on-premises and cloud systems in this respect.

How do you prevent accidental deletions?

Deleted files go to the Recycle Bin.  Only the System Administrator can perform a permanent deletion. Each user can delete and restore on their allowed folders. The system administrator can restore to all folders.

How to upload files?

By right clicking on the folder panel, the options to send or download files appear.  An initial upload of files is required. Once the files are in the system, they can be edited by double clicking on them. When files are uploaded or re-downloaded, Dataprius will only do so if newer versions exist. You can also copy and paste, drag and drop. This is explained here: Uploading and downloading files or folders

Is the capacity limited to the web offers?

Not at all. Prices are set according to what the company needs at the time of contracting the service. We have a calculator available for this: Configure the account to your needs

What is themaximum file size?

At the moment the maximum file size is 200Gb.

Are there any limitations on bandwidth usage?

No. Dataprius will always work at the maximum of your connection if no other option is selected in the boxes provided for this purpose.

Will I be able to access  files from my mobile phone?

You can access files with your mobile or with any device, because you have Web Access and a mobile App to access them.

Are the permissions only at folder level or also at file level?

Permissions are at folder level. You can define editing and downloading permissions on allowed folders. It is simple but easy and secure. The ease with which permissions are managed is unmatched by any platform. The permissions system is an innovation of the development team, and it is used with great success and a high degree of user satisfaction.

Will I be able to create an Excel file and modify it, or will I have to install a program that reads Excel files?

You can create and edit Excel files in two ways:
With an Excel editing program installed on your computer, such as Microsoft Excel or Calc from LibreOffice.
With our integrated Office editors for all types of Office files, without any extra charge.

Is it possible to create a link through which a file can be shared for editing?

Yes, and in several ways. You can share folders where editing permissions have been defined for users. You can send traditional links that allow editing. There is also a much more sophisticated and complete mechanism called Metalinks.

Does Dataprius synchronise with the computer's hard drive, similar to working with Google Drive?

No, Dataprius is independent of the computer. It isolates the files as a corporate Intranet allowing their direct use from the application. This has great advantages in the company such as an immediate uploading, preserving the security and privacy of the files, not producing conflicts and even being immune to Ransomware.

Dataprius has a synchroniser for use with some specific folders and in very special cases. We never recommend to synchronize because in the end it generates many problems, some of them we explain in our Blog.

We have synchronisation, for those folders where it is necessary to save from some programs and send them directly to the Cloud.  It is advisable to use Dataprius directly, as in a company file server, this involves making an initial load as in all corporate systems.

How often are copies of the documents made, in case there is any damage to the computer or Internet outage?

Dataprius' internal copies are in real time because we work in a redundant way, to this we have to add the automatic backups. No other Virtual Drive system is as redundant as we are. Furthermore, these copies comply with European data protection and security laws.

When a document is edited, copies are also made, this is the ‘Autocopies’ button in the application. In case of a human error, the last 14versions of the file can be recovered. Please note that European law requires us to have a security of storage that others do not.

If I share a document, either with a collaborator or with an external party, can I grant them special access permissions to this document? For example, that they can only see the document, but not modify it?

Of course you can. Dataprius enforces the granting of permissions for access to both colleagues and Web Users. Privacy and data protection require this. In the other systems access is somewhat anarchic. The handling of permissions is very simple and highly valued by our customers. In the case of a collaborator, it is enough to create a web user or send an access email, that automatically creates the user account.

What kind of technical support do you offer, taking into account that our company is in Latin America?

The technical support is via email, although we can provide telephone support if needed, although there is a big time difference. The simplicity of the system means that it is not necessary to give a lot of telephone support.

Can a Dataprius account have several administrators?

Yes, the first Administrator who created the account can make other users Administrators from within the application.

Can I have different Dataprius accounts with the same email address?

Yes, they are separate accounts. When you log in, you are asked to choose which one you want to access without the two accounts being mixed.