
Secure emailing

The email system is integrated in Dataprius applications

a simple laptop with a blue envelope on it

System mail facilitates the management and control of documents

  • To share files, folders and links.
  • Keeps control of shared documents, knowing who has read or downloaded.
  • Prevents company documents from residing in the Outlook or email account of each employee.
  • Keeps track of customer communications
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Why using the Dataprius secure email system is an advantage?

Send links, not attachments

When you send emails with attachments you do not know where files are stored.

With Dataprius the files never travel directly to the recipient.

They are stored in your Dataprius account and the recipient access to them on a secured space.  

This means that companies and professionals can avoid placing private files in unknown locations.

With Dataprius, thanks to its link-sending system, documents are not attached in the email.

The recipient or recipients receive a secure link that takes them to a site where they can download those files, from a secure location and through an encrypted connection.

Other mail system advantages

Send big files. Send to multiple users.

Sending is very fast and can be done for multiple users of your account. They are sent as links.

Very large files and even entire folders can be sent.

Monitor sent emails, action logs available.

Any user account with permissions can monitor sent emails.
It is crucial for companies to have access to the action logs of information shared in emails.

Real reading confirmation of sent emails

Confirmation of reading is not optional. The company always know when the recipient has logged in to view the files and the operations performed on them.

Reduce wasted time due to errors.

Sending versions of documents that have not been corrected or updated are one of the main causes of lost time in companies.

This is typical when sending files by email. This results in new calls, confusion and more time spent on simply getting a document to a customer.

When it comes to file sharing, it is best to share files from our centralized storage location in the cloud.

When you centralize your files, you will always have the correct and up-to-date versions of your documentation.

More features of the mail system in Dataprius

Customized with company logo and info

The system emails are customized with the company logo.
The emails are identified so that the recipient can identify who sent the email.
The data protection text can be configured for the emails.

Define prototype texts for emails

Different prototype texts can be defined.
Texts can be used for types of emails that are sent frequently.

Take control over files sharing

Sending emails and all the tools in the Dataprius system are designed to maintain control of shared documents.

You can cancel access to a file sent by email at any time. Simply remove access permissions to the folder containing the file for that user. You can also delete the file shared with that user.

Usuarios con acceso a carpetas en la Nube